How to find investors to pitch to right now? - Business News Live

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How to find investors to pitch to right now?

The model/prototype is made. The business plan created. Its launched. The business is running. We already have the funding we need. Regardless if we deserve it, we are worth it, or anything else of reason, how the hell do we get to pitch? Let the investors judge, not the internet. As we aren't sharing our business here. We need investors, so if you're reading this, if you can help us out to our great appreciation give us the 3 Ws. Who, what, where are these investors?

Funding is required to further the business. Not on credit, but gaining venture capitalists, personal investors, etc. (just investors, not other funding options). It depends on what we're selling and what our business even is, but just assume for the sake of this post that it brings descent value at the sound of it.

Also for theoretical purposes assume that we will get to "see investors" In their office or however people do it, but it doesn't mean we will get accepted. I'm not theorizing here or fantasizing us "getting investors to invest." Instead i'm just wanting to pitch to these rich people with money, REGARDLESS if we will get accepted and assuming you can help us out with this information, we appreciate your time for even reading this!

So with that said, how the hell do we get to the table, if you reading this or anyone else can please help. I cant find any source. I want to make a call tonight, send an email tonight, and/or get up right now and go meet these people. I want to pitch the reason they should invest REGARDLESS if they will accept or not, tell me how to get in their face if you know that information and are willing to share that knowledge. Thank you if you can provide that information.

Keep in mind a few points here.

1- Investors are needed and they will have a stake in the business. Not just "funding". (Money is money, you need money to make money. I know this but in this situation, in this post, if you're willing to help us out to our highest appreciation who to call, where to go, and where the investors literally are located for us to get to the table.)

2- Regardless if they have a reason to see us, that is already assumed here. How do I get to their face and pitch. Where do I go, who do I call, and what address am I emailing tonight? Comment if you can help. Thanks.

I'll also add that if there are alternatives to Venture Capitalists for investments in our business, not credit or even the "technicality" that credit is investment into our business, that we can obtain? Who and where are the resources located that these Silicon Valley tech startups are contacting? Where can I contact those as well?

If you can help us out, as I said we would greatly appreciate this. If you don't know or don't want to share, thats fine I guess but if you have any tips to share it would help us out a bunch.

submitted by /u/Acorn-Acorn
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